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VO2 Max Testing

The VO2 Master is the world’s first wearable, affordable and easy-to-use VO2 monitor.

What is VO2 max testing?

A VO2 max text uses the VO2 Master to determine your body’s maximum ability to take up, transport and utilise oxygen. Basically, it determines how much work/power output your body can complete aerobically; a higher value indicating that more work can be done.

It is a key performance indicator for endurance sports such as triathlons, cycling, running, swimming and rowing.

vo2 master mask

Book your VO2 Max

Want to know your Resting metabolic rate (RMR test), Lactate thresholds (Blood Lactate test) or a combination? Pick the right service for your goals below or give us a call and one of our practitioners can talk you through the best option for you.

Why should I test my VO2 max?

A larger VO2 max directly correlates to better performance. Therefore, if you engage in endurance events that last longer than 2 minutes, your VO2 max is particularly important.

The more energy we can create with oxygen, the less fatiguing lactic acid we create. Improving your VO2 max will enable you to work at a higher intensity for longer.

Your VO2 max test will help you:

  • LEARN your individualised heart rate/ventilatory thresholds and power/pace training zones (not the generic 220-age stuff - which doesn’t work)

  • MAXIMISE your training effectiveness (5 hours of specific training is more effective than 15 hours of general training)

  • IDENTIFY your physiological strengths and weaknesses (and how to turn your weaknesses into strengths)


How does a VO2 max test work?

The VO2 max test is an incremental exercise test. We start your test at a low intensity and gradually increase your effort until you reach exhaustion. Your oxygen consumption, heart rate, power output, ventilation and energy expenditure data is recorded constantly throughout your test.

At The Movement Standard, we offer treadmill, stationary bike or rowing ergometry options for you to undertake your VO2 max test.

What will I get from my VO2 max test?

Following your VO2 max test, you will receive a detailed digital report of your results, including a walk-through which explains what all of your data means.

Your report will outline your heart rate and power/pace training zones with graphs that easily explain how you can use your training zones more effectively.

vo2 max sample test

Preparing for your VO2 max test.

You will need to bring:

  • Comfortable exercise clothing, including a pair or running shoes

  • A towel and drink bottle

Prior to your test, you should avoid strenuous physical activity in the preceding 24 hours. You should also ensure that you are well rested, well hydrated, and motivated to exercise maximally.

We recommend avoiding larger meals in the 2-3 hours prior to your test - try to simulate your race day nutrition preparation.

When scheduling a follow up test, we highly recommend that you follow an identical preparation procedure and attempt to book your test for a similar time of day. This will improve the test’s reliability and more accurately determine your fitness improvements.

What’s next?

Now that you have your individualised training zones, you are able to train and race more effectively.

The Movement Standard recommends retesting every 3-6 months to reassess your training zones and gauge your improvements.